What are you working on?

It’s a drizzly day here in Ohio which always makes for a good time to sit down and take a look at the big picture of projects that I’m currently working on. I think it’s good to periodically check in on yourself and mentally take note of what’s working, what’s not and am I really getting work done 🙂  You all know what I mean, making that list of things you would LIKE to do and daydreaming about doing it but then never having anything come of it! Oh yes, I have a long list of those too.

I’m currently, actively working on two projects but that’s only for about a half hour maybe an hour a day. I need to find a way to bump up my alone time to actually get some real work done on things.

First I’ve been diligently working on my new crochet necklaces, still trying to figure out the best method of creating these, here is a WIP pic for you to see what I’ve been working on. I love the color and the concept, just trying to find the best way to execute it so it looks top notch!


My other WIP is a pen and ink drawing of an acquaintance’s two kids, I love doing portraits and love working in pen and ink and thought this would be a perfect gift for saying thanks for all that she does! I just wish I had a little more time to work on this, I would love to sit down for a few hours straight and crank it out but that’s not in my cards right now so I will take what I can get and enjoy every minute of it!



What projects are you currently working on? What’s working for you? I would love to hear about them in my comments above!


Product Marketing Breakthrough is currently running a contest for any entrepreneurs out there who would like to win free memberships to their training. In order to win the membership I need to tell them why I want and deserve to win, so in short here is why I would love to win one of the lifetime memberships to their training program!

I currently run my own creative business consisting of knits/crochets, illustration drawings and paintings and mural work. I just started my business about 2 years ago on Etsy primarily with knits and crochets but am now in the process of transitioning my business to focus more on illustrations and murals, while still offering my knitted/crocheted goods on the side and as free gifts with any original artwork purchase.

I think the lifetime membership through PMB will change my business because it will help give me a sense of direction in growing my business, finding the right clients and making sure that I’m getting in front of them and giving them the right message about me and my business. If I could confidently and accurately do this I believe that my business would truly take off. I’ve been using social media, craft shows and word of mouth for the past two years and am finally seeing the hard work pay off but I know things could grow leaps and bounds with the right tools and knowledge. I’m ready to learn all of the lessons that they have to teach and hope to pick their brain with all of my questions.

In 3 years I see my business thriving, to the point that I will be able to quit my day job (hopefully sooner than 3 years) and focus on my artwork fulltime. I plan on bringing in a steady income with original artwork, prints and custom orders from around the world. I hope to not only offer my work in online galleries but also display some of my work in physical galleries and participate in craft/art shows in the local and hopefully national level. I plan to have a business that will practically run itself by means of traffic and word of mouth, I hope that people will begin to recognize my name in passing and recognize my work with a certain style all my own. As my business expands and grows I also plan on giving back and will do so by donating a portion of my sales to a local animal charity Paws and Prayers (this is where we got our dog from and they are fabulous to work with).


Patterns Are Coming!

First I would like to say that my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who was at the Boston Marathon this past week. It was a terrible act and many innocent people are paying it.

As I’ve been planning and thinking about my business these past couple of weeks, I got yet another request for a crochet pattern for one of my children’s hats on Etsy.


Now, I’m taken back to about a year or so ago when my now 9 year old son had told me that I should start selling the patterns to all of the items that I had been making. I told him it was a good idea but it just ended up on the back burner as I slaved away at creating new, fun items. Sitting down at the desk with my notebook of hatch marks and shorthand notes, typing away just didn’t seem as much fun at the time. But now I sit here thinking, why didn’t I listen to him sooner!

This recent request really couldn’t have come at a better time for me. Trying to figure out my best plan of attack to transition my business to a more fine art oriented business is going to take a little time and a lot of patience. I’m buying some supplies this week to work on some new crocheted necklaces and still plan on making items here and there for my knit/crochet shop, however, when this request for another pattern came through a light bulb went off! I really need to type these patterns up and sit down for a day or two and just crank away at it. Patterns are something that I need to put the time into at the beginning but then they can be sold repeatedly online, they can be sold fairly cheap which makes them desirable and I can just email them out to my customers. No more packaging it up and printing shipping labels.

As I transition my business this will be the perfect concept to help bring in a steady flow of income, small but steady, while putting my attention in other avenues.

With all of this said what patterns are most people interested in seeing available in my shop??? Please comment above and let me know, I would love to hear from you! And just for participating I’ll be giving you my latest pattern for free! Be sure to leave your email address in the comments or message me directly at mahager@gmail.com.

Thanks so much!!

Ready for the weekend!

As I look at the calendar right now I cannot believe how fast time is flying by this year, we’re already half way through April! Beginning to feel the pressure to get everything accomplished to reach my goals by the end of the year.

As this weekend approaches, I’m trying to organize all of my to-do’s! My sister is in town so I’m going to be visiting her and my parents tomorrow, also want to get the carpets and sofa steam cleaned before I leave, need to do a little shopping for the bambino…then comes all of the stuff for my business working on designing my logo and new business cards, creating some new crocheted jewelry for an upcoming craft show (still need to go to the store and buy a few supplies to do this), on the back burner is starting a new portrait illustration for a friend and taking pics of my new items for my Etsy shop.

Not quite sure how I’m going to squeeze this all into two days, in fact I probably won’t but I’m going to give it a good try!

What are everyone else’s plans for the weekend?? I love to hear about, please share them with me in the comments above! I hope some of you will get a chance to relax too!

Heart Vs. Brain

How was everyone’s weekend?!

Mine was fabulous, we really didn’t do anything too spectacular or out of the ordinary but the weather finally warmed up here in NE Ohio and we finally got to take the kids out of the house and go for a little hike in the park. It was so refreshing to get out and just get up and moving again. I felt like we were just hibernating all winter long!

Every time I get to go outside and take walks through the park or go for a bike ride I always find great inspiration all around. I think that’s another reason why this weekend was so invigorating!

I feel like I’m being pulled in two different directions right now though. I’m getting ready to restructure my business and can’t wait to get started, however, I’ve also signed up for a new craft show in May that I need to finish making things for. This part of me just wants to push that aside and get going on the new stuff, the stuff that’s giving me great inspiration and hope. But then my brain kicks back in reminding me of what I NEED to do and I will soon be able to follow my heart.

I’m sure many of you out there have run into similar scenarios where your brain and your heart are telling you different things. I’d love to hear about your stories, please share them in the comments above!

New Spring Ventures

Thank you so much to everyone that took time to share my pin on Pinterest.com and who participated in my contest for my cord necklace. I truly appreciate everyone’s love and support. I announced the winner to my Repin-to-Win contest on Monday on Facebook and Twitter but realize that not everyone may be checking those sources, the winner is Hannah from Hubbard, OH! Congratulations Hannah!!!

With spring right around the corner and another craft show in the works I’ve been thinking about a few new items to add to my line and I’m thinking something along the lines of crocheted jewelry. Be on the lookout for new necklaces and bracelets in the coming weeks!

Also, I’m currently working with a local business to get a new ad placed for my mural and illustration business. I’m looking to grow that side of things throughout the year and am super excited for what’s to come. I have so many ideas floating around in my head that I can’t wait to get them out on paper! Before I came to work this morning I was even double checking my illustration board and pens and taking stock of what I have, daydreaming of what to draw first! Eeeek! So excited!

Everyone, have a great weekend! I know I’ll be enjoying the warmer weather that’s finally coming our way!!!